True connoisseurs are well aware of the difficulty of taking all the astrological influences and relating them to the unique human personality. One of the most frequently mentioned topics is the association of appropriate gifts for birthdays and Christmas trees with the planets and stellar animals.
At the moment of birth, each of us, after leaving the safety of our mother\’s womb, attempts to assimilate into an unfamiliar environment, and one of the energetic influences is the influence of the seasons and the position of the planets in our solar system. each of the 12 cycles of the year has common characteristics, so who is a Capricorn and who is a Leo? can be determined at least roughly. On a very simplistic scale, these characteristics are valid, but it depends on whether they carry through for life.
Therefore, we cannot definitively determine that carnations and gerberas are ideal for the Aries woman. If she is more influenced by other signs in her horoscope, for example under the rule of the water element, she may be less impulsive and, on the contrary, more reticent or even melancholic.