Why are traffic rules so often broken

If you drive a car, it is easy to notice that traffic laws are frequently broken. By far the most common is speeding, so much so that many people consider speeding to be driving too slowly and impeding traffic. Many drivers also have problems using their turn signals, especially at busy intersections. But what is the cause of this trend?

If we look at other countries, we do not see this phenomenon there. There are exceptions, of course, but most countries follow the regulations. But not so here for several reasons.

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First and most important is the lack of control. Police officers are not often dispatched to the roads, and when they are, they are usually announced in advance so drivers know which areas to watch out for. Unexpected inspections are also regularly announced over the radio. This makes it no wonder that transfers go unpunished.

The mentality fostered in this country, especially by the automobile lobby, is also a factor. This is because our country has long been one of the centers of the auto industry. This influence continues to this day. This means that public transportation is called “socca” and is used only by those who cannot afford to buy a car.

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The question is whether this mentality is actually good. It has been shown to lead to an increase in traffic accidents. After all, one only has to look at the statistics to see that the majority of traffic accidents are caused by failure to obey traffic rules, usually by not following the posted speed limit or not yielding the right of way.

Therefore, it is probably worth removing these biases. Whether we like it or not, it is clear that they are harmful. Unfortunately, however, this is more difficult than one might imagine. It is not an exaggeration, and it may cost us our lives.
