Pilots and Pilotage

We are at the seaside where boats are for sale. You and I are buying a special boat. What special? It has two rudders. One for me and one for you. Why two rudders? To learn to control our relationship. In a relationship and on a ship, we are never alone, we are together. If pilots argue like they do at home, the ship loses direction and gets swept away by the waves. We as pilots must trust each other! We must be there for each other! We must listen to each other! We must be grateful for every day we spend together! If this is the way it works, as this story is written, we will sail miles together before we die together. This is the rule in plays, in movies, in reality, everywhere.


If two people are seeking balance, boating is good therapy and a lesson. If they don\’t get along on the boat and keep arguing, they will drown each other and neither will survive. It is the same with relationships; if you argue all the time, you think you are going to die, but mentally you will.And that is why I thought it appropriate to write this example to make you aware of this about your own behavior in relationships. Because sometimes being aware of how you yourself behave is something that the other side doesn\’t tell you. So strike a balance in your relationship so that it grows beautifully and does not fail.

And what type should you stick to?

  • Believe in yourself
  • Do not lie to yourself
  • Support yourself
  • Communicate with them

  • Never give up

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No matter painful relationship, don\’t give up, because a true relationship that is meant to be together never gives up and does everything in its power to make the relationship last. It\’s worth it to add to the good memories. Imagine sitting on a bench in your old age, looking up at the sky, reminiscing and laughing about the beautiful times you spent together. Don\’t forget to take pictures, because you haven\’t experienced this yet. You will look at your younger self and laugh at how young your ears were. For love is here with you.
