Many of us follow well a variety of cultural traditions, whether they are private to a particular family or celebrated by an entire country. However, it is clear that there are many of them, and it is therefore understandable that some are more important to us than others. But our preferences in this regard are not as random as they may seem. There is purpose and order here as well, and we follow it without realizing it.
To begin with, there is the question of how personal a tradition is. If we have celebrated a tradition seriously since childhood and have many memories associated with it, mostly happy times, then that tradition will always be much more important to us than a tradition that is only done “out of obligation” and to which we have no feelings. After all, that is why Christmas is so popular. It is because many of us associate Christmas with our fondest childhood memories.
There is also the question of how we perceive certain traditions. Do we really feel its importance, whether within the family or within the state? Certainly this may seem similar to the previous point, but this is not about personal memories, but about what a certain tradition represents to us.
Related to this is how much we know the symbolism behind it and how much we believe and value it. Take, for example, Easter, or more precisely, Pomrah\’s (Easter). We all know why girls are “tailed off” and virtually everyone has been exposed to pom raz since childhood. So why is its popularity declining?
Again, the answer is quite simple. Certainly, for example, the whole family is happy when they get together, but that has nothing to do with the shigokish itself. Of course, this is true of other traditions as well. These are things we should know before we start criticizing other people\’s traditions.